New Charter School Key Collegiate To Serve Brownsville and East New York Now Accepting Applications

Applications are now available for the new Key Collegiate Charter School, which is set to open in August 2018, in Brownsville, Brooklyn.  Key Collegiate will have representatives present at the Healthy NYC Expo, Saturday Nov. 4, 2017 at the Brooklyn Sports Club in East New York.  They will be accepting applications at the event and will answer questions about the school. You can Register Here for the Healthy NYC Expo.

Below is more information from Key Collegiate.

At Key Collegiate, we believe that every student—regardless of socioeconomic background, race, zip code, or home language—can and will excel when provided with a rigorous, college preparatory education. To this end, we believe:

A rigorous, engaging curriculum with differentiated supports reaches all students. 

With the right instruction and supports, all students can meet the high bar set for them.

Structure allows for learning. 

A structured and joyful culture sets the foundation for student achievement.

Literacy is everything. 

A literacy-intensive curriculum prepares our students to become lifelong learners.

Soft skills matter. 

A focus on professional habit development is necessary for college and career readiness.

Data drives decisions. 

Enhancing student learning requires frequent data-driven assessment, analysis, and action.

It takes a village. 

Support from families and the community are critical for student success.​

High-quality teaching produces strong academic gains and results. 

Good teaching demands regular coaching, feedback, and practice.


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