Brooklyn Poetry Slam: Welcome Back | Aug 13th

“The Brooklyn Poetry Slam brings together Brooklyn’s best slam poets for a monthly gathering of words and wisdom, hosted by poet, activist, and educator Mahogany L. Browne with music by DJ Jive Poetic. As Mahogany says, “These poets will make you feel things.”

This edition will be a “welcome back” for the Brooklyn Slam Team who has just competed in a national competition.

Program For The Evening:

BRIC TV’s Brooklyn Slam documentary screening
Brooklyn Poetry Slam team performances
Open Mic
PLEASE NOTE that there will not be a slam competition during this event, only performances by members of the Slam team.
HASHTAG: #BrooklynPoetrySlam”

Click here for more information!

BRIC House Ballroom
647 Fulton Street
(Enter on Rockwell Place)
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Information/Image via


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