Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

Janice Chen for Civil Court

Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

#nycnewswire #JaniceChen #janicechencivilcourt #kingscountycivilcourt #KingsCountyJudicialCandidate

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Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge
29 min ago

Breaking Nyc News

Janice Chen Gains Key
Endorsements in Civil Court Race

#nycnewswire #JaniceChen #janicechencivilcourt #kingscountycivilcourt #KingsCountyJudicialCandidate #crystalhudson #maritzadavila #centrealbrooklynindependentdemocrats

By News Provided by Janice Chen for Civil Court

Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

Janice Chen for Civil Court

Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

#nycnewswire #JaniceChen #janicechencivilcourt #kingscountycivilcourt #KingsCountyJudicialCandidate

PRESS RELEASE: (Content & Images Approved for Editorial Use)

Janice Chen, candidate for Kings County Civil Court, has secured key endorsements from Assembly Member Maritza Davila, Council Member Crystal Hudson, and the Central Brooklyn Independent Democrats (CBID), further strengthening her campaign as election season progresses.

With a legal career dedicated to elder law, civil litigation and community advocacy, Janice Chen has been a strong advocate for fair and accessible justice and community resources. Her campaign continues to gain traction as more leaders and organizations recognize her commitment to upholding the integrity of Brooklyn’s judicial system.

Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

Janice Chen for Civil Court

Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

#nycnewswire #JaniceChen #janicechencivilcourt #kingscountycivilcourt #KingsCountyJudicialCandidate

Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

Janice Chen for Civil Court

Janice Chen candidate for Kings County Civil Court Judge

#nycnewswire #JaniceChen #janicechencivilcourt #kingscountycivilcourt #KingsCountyJudicialCandidate

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“I am grateful for the support of leaders and organizations that share my commitment to fairness and justice,” said Janice Chen. “These endorsements reinforce the importance of having judges who understand the diverse needs of Brooklyn residents and who will serve with integrity, impartiality, and respect for the law.”

As the race moves forward, Chen remains focused on engaging with voters across Brooklyn, discussing the role of the civil court, and sharing her vision for ensuring equal access to justice for all.

For more information on Janice Chen’s campaign, www.janicechenforcivilcourt.com.

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NYC Newswire Press Release Distribution - paid for by Janice Chen for Civil Court