Khari Edwards Statement on State of Brooklyn After Kamala Harris Loss - 1

Khari Edwards Statement on State of Brooklyn After Kamala Harris Loss

NYC Newswire

Khari Edwards Statement on State of Brooklyn After Kamala Harris Loss - 1

#nycnewswire #Khari Edwards #brooklyn #BrooklynBoroughPresident #brooklynboropresident

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Khari Edwards Statement on State of Brooklyn After Kamala Harris Loss - 1
3 months ago

Statement from Khari Edwards:
Call for Bold Change in BK

#nycnewswire #brooklynboropresident #khariedwards #brooklynboroughpresident #brooklyn

By Brooklyn Borough President Candidate Khari Edwards

Khari Edwards Statement on State of Brooklyn After Kamala Harris Loss

NYC Newswire

Khari Edwards Statement on State of Brooklyn After Kamala Harris Loss - 1

#nycnewswire #Khari Edwards #brooklyn #BrooklynBoroughPresident #brooklynboropresident

Brooklyn Borough President candidate Khari Edwards responded to Kamala Harris's presidential loss with an official statement addressing the impact felt by Democrats nationwide, across New York City and specifically in Brooklyn. In his statement, Edwards emphasized the need for unity across Brooklyn’s diverse neighborhoods and reiterated his commitment to bringing Brooklynites together to create a stronger, more connected community. His Official Statement is below.

For a lifelong Democrat who believes deeply in the strength of community, the results of this Presidential race were profoundly disappointing. But they also serve as a clear call to action. We can no longer settle for politics as usual. Across the nation—and right here in Brooklyn—people are telling us that the issues that affect their daily lives are their priority. They’re speaking up for our children, our seniors, healthcare access, housing, and so much more. This is a demand for change and meaningful, community-centered action.

As Brooklynites, we have a shared responsibility to ensure that every community within our borough can thrive. I am committed to building a stronger, safer, and more affordable Brooklyn—a Brooklyn where everyone has access to good jobs and livable wages, where rent and homeownership aren’t unbearable burdens, where public safety and gun violence are tackled head-on, where our seniors receive the care and support they deserve, and where our youth have safe spaces and real opportunities to grow.

In the coming months, I will work tirelessly to connect with Brooklynites in every neighborhood, bringing impactful programs and resources to every corner of our borough. Now more than ever, we must come together, reach out to our neighbors, find practical solutions, and fight for a future that truly reflects the hopes, needs, and voices of our communities.