NYC Congresswoman AOC Battles Chief Twit Elon Musk Over New $8 Per Month Twitter Subscription

by Sonia Davis for – Distributed by NYC Newswire

Now that Elon Musk is the new “Chief Twit” over at Twitter his first order of business was to propose a subscription fee of $8 per month for the blue check next to your name. NYC Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) responded to his proposed subscription on Twitter, writing, “Lmao at a billionaire earnestly trying to sell people on the idea that “free speech” is actually a $8/mo subscription plan”.

Musk responded with a mock-tweet of his own, “Your feedback is appreciated, now pay $8”.

The proposed $8 per month subscription fee hasn’t been put in place yet, but one has to wonder, will AOC pay that fee to keep the blue check next to her name? After putting out the tweet, AOC stated that her Twitter account started giving her problems.

This is our new world of digital technology. Professionals fighting on the Twitter stage for all the “children” to bare witness. If a Congress Member and a billionaire can fight online then how can adults tell children and students not to engage in that sort of behavior? It’s a free for all and no one is winning. Mental health is impacting everyone in society, and places like Twitter are the main culprits. Children do not stand a chance.



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