Arts East NY Presents: Jazz Brunch with the George Gray Trio On September 17th

“AENY Presents: Jazz Brunch with the George Gray Trio

The weather is cooling down, but we are heating up with our year long Jazz Brunch Series at ARTs East New York. Come celebrate our kick-off with featured chef Venus Sutton from Everything Sticks & More, and the famous George Gray Trio.

Venus Sutton a co-owner of Everything Sticks prepares and serves innovative plates all served on a stick or skewer. Over the past few years, AENY has had the pleasure of watching this East New York business thrive. This is one meal not to be missed!

George Gray is a man of many trades, but his passion and talent for drumming are undeniable. A profound percussionist Mr. Gray integrates Jazz/Afro-Cuban/and Funk along with a twist of South African beats.

Each ticket includes two specialty drinks and a meal while listening to exquisite live music.”

Click here to purchase a ticket!

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